Saturday, July 14, 2012


This five letter word is a positive recognition of what needs to happen in order to bring our ideas to creation.  It seems this is the one common missing link in the crazy busy distracting world we live in today.   OH MY, what has happened to our ability to focus? Is stress effecting our ability to zone in are we so overloaded and under expressing our thoughts.  "Attention is the cognitive process of selectively concentrating on one aspect of the environment while ignoring other things." What is going on? What are we focusing our attention on?  What is missing? What is getting in the way?  What do we need to happen to get our focus back? How did we lose it in the first place?
Mastering the skills of getting organized, staying focused, and seeing work through to the end will help in just about everything you do, it's really an important foundation towards success in life. 

It has to be one of our greatest challenges today; staying focused in the fast paced, driven world we are living in. Information overload, social media overload and work overload, so how do we keep our eye on the target when our bow is heavy and we are firing several arrows at once?

The Simple One!

“He who loves everyone loves no-one”- Caterina
Choose the simple one, the one thing that holds our attention long enough to keep loving it while we are doing it and still love it when it's done! One love at a time to get more accomplished, save precious time and work more efficiently, it's simple and the process will be filled with joy.

Ground & Cleanse

We seriously need an information cleanse with the amount of emails, tweets, notifications we receive in a day.   Yes, a mind detox to relax, unwind and find peace, smudge, burn incense, fresh air, yoga, meditation, connection with family, friends, community AND NATURE also make good use of the delete button! 

Quiet time Out!

One of our biggest distractions may not be – Facebook – it is our own thoughts racing through our minds and a state of exhaustion.  A quiet space to get your thoughts out by writing them down, take control the chatter, slow things down and hear the positive assistance or simply take a nap!

Organize & Exercise

Cleanse your desk, file, organize and exercise the body these are powerful ways to create energy and reduce stress, it also improves our mood and helps us focus and stay healthy!

Clarity & Inspiration

Being clear about our goals and objectives will help us focus and stay on track, with clarity we are easily inspired.  It’s important to clarify steps in order to maintain the motivation and ensure that what you are working on is getting you closer to that goal.

 Set the Stage

Planning, research, drafting, revising, and creating a final product.


Begin with this simple breathing exercise!