Thursday, February 21, 2013

Where have all the pollinators gone?

Who are the pollinators in your community and is your business creating the best environment for these pollinators to provide all the key ingredients for local businesses and community life to flourish?  We can draw some parables with the pollinators in nature such as the bees, beetles, insects, moths, butterflies, bats and hummingbirds they all play a very important role in nature.  How important?  Let's have a look, "these pollinators strongly influence ecological relationships, ecosystem conservation and stability, genetic variation in the plant community, floral diversity, specialization and evolution." This activity is so important that Albert Einstein once said that if the bees disappeared, "man would have only four years of life left".
Did Albert Einstein make a direct relation with nature to our people pollinators too?   I don't recall him mentioning that there are people in our communities that play a similar and very important role as the hummingbirds, bees and bats, etc.  in our gardens of business?  These people pollinators love to touch your spirit in special ways, light up your day with a laugh, share stories and in business these same people will spread the good word about you that will travel fast and far!
If you do not recognize them, hear them or see their beauty and you do not know who they are at first glance then please take a very important moment and have a scan of the people you know. 
 In these few moments ask yourself who are the ones in your community that share ideas readily, chat with you or a stranger without hesitation, invite you in to know special secrets, introduce you to others and offer new adventures and new things, reach out and share opportunity, stories, knowledge, connect you with other communities, believe in you, know the next greatest ideas and trends in advance?
  Is this you? Or do you know someone like this?  If you do ask yourself how much have you really paid any attention or valued these people and the wonderful qualities they have or do you think of them as nuisances in your garden of life?
Do you consider the  bees, beetles, hummingbirds and bats pesky little creatures in your garden and do you find ways to remove them and poison them.  Or do you plant the flowers, trees and raise up your bats houses to encourage these lovely creatures to return to your garden year after year?
Many times these lovely creatures are taken advantage of and used for their beauty, like the coloured sugar water induced feeders set up as traps for the return of the beautiful hummingbird that travels thousands of miles across the continent.  People pollinators have been fooled over the years too by these false enticements, lures and faces in business and never return!
Did you know that in nature huge amounts of pesticides are used and gets into the soil and this is one of the reasons for a rise in diet related diseases in humans and destruction of these natural pollinators. The same thing is happening to people pollinators too they are getting sick at an alarming rate from all the negative energy, terrible service, undermining and under value for their ability to energize and lift the business community to it's full bloom and natural thriving state!

  Remember pollen is like the protein for your business, did you know " the ability for the honey bee to communicate to other bees in the colony where to go for collecting more nectar is very important for their efficiency as pollinators.  And did you know when there is a lack of bees, not all seeds will develop, and the shape of the fruit will be poor and small. When a scout bee has found a good nectar source, she will return to the colony and communicate to all the other bees with a special dance indicating the quality and direction of the nectar source.
There are these key people in your community who can influence relationships and in doing so they conserve and stabilize the local economy, create the variety and diversity of followers, spread the word of your specialty for your business evolution.  People pollinators will rise in numbers if you treat them well, provide the environments filled with kindness, value and sweet nectar so they can spread the light and their special service.  So I ask you how are you preparing your business environment to nourish and encourage your people pollinators to spread the pollen and good vibes of your business?
More to come on this interesting topic...
Ciao Caterina

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