Friday, March 29, 2013

Crossover and Turn Things ON in Business.

We need many keys to turn things on in business!  The best turn on is going directly to the source, right to the juicy stuff, remember there are techniques and skills for getting all answers to the who, what, when, where and the how, you can be sure these questions will tell you the story you need to hear to excite you.
  The one main key we all really need now that it is Spring and that is to flirt!  Yes, that's what I said, FLIRT, do this a little more in your business to get things going, flirt with an idea, flirt with your advertising/marketing, flirt with your customers, flirt with life.  For Goodness sakes, show more interest, flirting implies you are interested in another, turn it on a little, love a little more. When you Crossover and turn it on you will improve all the areas of your business, plus it will feel good for you, an experience that gets you going, so get flirty and a little sexy with your business.
If you are not feeling flirty and you need a little nudge, here are some business foreplay tips to turn you on and get you and your customers wanting more.
  1. Get in the mood, do what it takes to get into a flirty business mindset for your customers sake! What gets you excited and jazzed up for more sales, better marketing, planning, financials, social media? How do you fill up your energy with excitement?  Maybe enjoy a good business chat with a biz wiz or take a bath, go to yoga, stretch it out, do housework, go for a nature walk, dress up, now go out and practice flirting!
  2. Take your time, never rush the steps in business, consider everyone's needs, including your own as you check off the tasks on your list, laugh and enjoy the journey of business.  Appreciate the process and this will allow you to have more consideration and appreciation for your customers needs. 
  3. Develop anticipation, heighten all the senses, yes, when you can provide anticipation for your customers it's really quite exciting for both of you. Only give a little at a time, when you give it all away there is no anticipation, be confident, fun, interesting and leave them wanting more.
  4. Make it an experience,  it has to be memorable, an experience that is worth waiting for and one your customers will be wanting to come back for too.
  5. Be light and gentle, remember kindness in business always,  if you keep things light, positive and gentle with yourself in business, your customers will feel this energy too, certainly, we all want to do business with someone who is kind.
  6. Compliment and communicate, always important to give lots of compliments and enjoy the ones in return, communicate in every way, a smile goes for miles, we all need them!  You will feel fed and informed and so will your customers!
  7. Keep moving, never stay in the same spot, go the extra step, change up, refresh, create new ideas, new moves and creative solutions. 
  8. Take control, tell it like it is, be upfront and honest, share how you do things your own special way, what you like, what's important to you, show you have integrity and ability, customers will sense your authourity on the job!  Great Work, keep it up!

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