Monday, July 20, 2009



As I was saying," gardening is similar to coaching...metaphorically of course, so what are the similarities you ask?" I suppose one needs to know a little more what coaching is all about... most of us know a little about gardening and growing a few vegetables, herbs or maybe some lovely flowers in our backyard.

Well, hello everyone my name is Caterina and I am an executive business coach, founder and president of Crossover Coaching Inc. we work together with our clients to support both their business and personal needs. Sometimes it's just about business although more times than not there is a crossover between our personal and professional lifes.

Crossover Coaching is a "whole person growth activity" and we can provide many positive outcomes for business change and results. here we go... let's choose something from our gardens that we are growing this summer, I am experimenting with some Pemberton organic potatoes for the first time, so far... so good. NOW...gardening as we know it... follows some similar traits as coaching, so to grow those potatoes and achieve results we must also have a "whole potatoe growth activity."

In coaching as in gardening there are some key principles which lead to effective results...

We know that one potatoe has the resources within itself to grow into a basket full of 5 to 10 or more potatoes...only the potatoe knows what to do because it possess all of its own essential information. A Crossover Coach knows the client also has all the resources within themselves to resolve their particular issue, only they know what to do and they alone will have to implement any action and ultimately live with the consquences. The coach can and sometimes will, offer additional information, ultimately it is up to the client whether they use it or not.

The role of the coach is not advice the role of the gardner is not to advice the potatoe when and how exactly the potatoes should develop. The giving of advice implies a sense of knowing better than the client and an obligation to honour that advice, even if it may not be in their best interests. Coaching is facilitating and encouraging the independance of the client through empowering them to generate and consider the options available. A gardner does this for his potatoes with the type of soil, fertilizer, watering and providing a location where the sun is is this nuturing and encouraging that grows the potatoes.

Yes, growing potatoes relates to the whole potatoe, this includes everything to do with that seed potatoe that Across the Creek Organics sold to me at the Winter Market. The process of Crossover Coaching relates to the whole person, coaching isn't just about professional issues or just about personal life. My experience shows that difficulties in either part of a persons life are often present in the other; therefore, the issues need to be explored in totality rather than in isolation.

Bringing the unfamilar with the familar, to find commonality is always fun...happy gardening!

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