Friday, August 21, 2009


I Love doing business with those people in places where you just know their actions and way of being are with a connection to the heart. These people in business have developed the right attitude and they are focused on doing the right things in the best way possible.

What happens when a business does not take responsibilities of the heart?
First, you will realize you have just lost your options one by one and in the process you most certainly take options away from others.
The heart is replaced with attitudes of profit for the sake of profit, kindness and understanding disappears into having to be right. A love of power replaces all gut feelings and then your intuition gets lost and in exchange it becomes a mind game only, business and even relationships can soon dissolve into a competitive game of winning at any cost.

What business does the heart have in business?  Now I ask... Can we bring the heart back into the business world today and develop cultures that learn how to lead and develop authentic relationships and collaboration inside and out so that we may step into our full potential. A great opportunity is available for leaders to mentor the important principles that must be used to guide the next generations with important ethics and spirit at heart when conducting business.

Who are those leaders in the workplaces that will bring the much needed sensitivity and fluidity that is missing in the business world today. With our busy material worlds, we loose ourselves to fear and the misuse of power and control finds its way into the circle.
Stepping out of the box and looking around you to see how your spirit and the spirit of others are thriving in the workplace!  The key for the future is to ask how ourselves how are we empowering and including others in our community?

I would love to see people bring back the lightness and playfulness of the heart in business, this is what will create the needed openness, fun and honesty in everything we do so that we may attract people to our products and services. This is the challenge for leaders today, providing the flow, fun and spirit....connecting the heart in business.

When your heart is engaged in people, people instinctively want to be around you, they feel and sense your sincerity.  When you are engaged within your heart, guiding, sharing and service comes naturally, people will be drawn to you and your business like bumble bees to honey.

How do you align your heart, business and higher purpose? Start by slowing it down, listening to hear the answers you seek and trust your intuition.
 If you feel you need to do provide a service for someone do it!!!
Business needs heart!

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