Thursday, December 27, 2012

FOUNDATION FIRST! ~ What is your core promise?

Building a strong foundation - begins with small stones, each one accumulated over a period time will hold you in the storms. We are certainly bombarded today by others truth and if you get distracted easily with all the confusing messages it is because this is not your truth nor is it your knowledge it belongs to someone else.  If you become too wrapped up in some other truth you forget your own, yes, your very own truth, your very own knowledge and experiences you have gained in your own walk.
Think like a Mountain and do not let others erode your foundation, with a keen eye on quality and your promise your business will transcend the limitations of time. You will have the perseverance and stamina of a mountain goat to reach the top.
Stand out in the crowd, shine what is your truth, your story, it's time to crossover and lead from what is uniquely you, we want to see you, hear you and get to know you. With a steady foundation, you will achieve the goals that promise to be the next stepping stones on the road to success.
What are your personal pillars? Know your special qualities, these special resources and secure them in the ground so when you need to make change it can be easily done without too much disruption.  Good foundations can build great connections and lead you to some really beautiful and amazing networks. 
 Your belief, love, and unwavering commitment to the quality of your product and the promise it delivers is a very important part of your foundation.  Innovation, adaptable and integrative are the continuing securities of a strong foundation, have an adventurous heart and open mind while staying true to the core promise~Foundation First!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


IT  is getting more and more important to know our unique selves with all our interests, ideas, goals and align these with our values and principles to strive for a unity within so we may be strong advocates in the world.   This will build a clearer and bigger picture understanding and lovely motion forward so that others may hear us, see us and get to know us to connect and engage with who we really are and the specific services and products we offer.  Crossover and build your true love! How are you drumming to your own specific beat? 
 Most know the word career to be the very path that speaks to the work we choose in our lives and I hear now that some want to change the word career to use the word passion.  If we change the word career to any other word it must be the word love ... what is your love pathPassion does drives us with an intensity and it is necessary for certain achievements and the feeling is great, it can also be fleeting and has tendencies to rise and fall to gratify a state of being.  To learn our love will provide similar feelings as passion, yet it has  a long term cultivation of knowledge and confidence that grows and promises a steady, consistent devotion with openness on a path where others can join in.  When we are doing what we love in our own unique way, we lead others to achieve their own dreams.  Combining our uniqueness and our love we achieve unity within ourselves, here we are able to see shared principles, shared values and goals, mutual respect, consistent honesty, kindness, mutual support, good problem solving skills and much better communications.  Passion is a very important part of the love, and there are many times when we must find the inspiration to stir our passion to continue our love!  Wishing you all the art of love in your work! 

Monday, December 24, 2012


Time to Crossover into your genius, take a step up to reach a higher degree of insight to feel the crossover effect for an endless source of supply and effortlessness. 
"Genius is one of the greatest untapped resources of our society." David R. Hawkins
David Hawkins goes on to say that genius is confused with high IQ, and that it can be more accurately identified by perseverance, courage, concentrations, enormous drive and absolute integrity! 
These are the qualities of inner Peace!

 7 Steps to Crossover into your Genius!

One must first come to some understandings of their life, their place and the world around them, this can be one small step to simplify their place and therefore love a little more. Written and thoughtful reflections can be done with meditations, in stillness, in nature, in solitude and in company for the moments we need to regroup, rethink and reconnect and arrive at the best understandings of who we are and the world around us.  Here is the time to align one's goals and values then we can begin to attract a higher degree of insight.  What is missing?
Once we understand, we need to release, here is the place where we must find the ways to exercise the energy into a step up, cleanse, clear, cleanse and clear.  Be aware of the energy around you, what you have taken on as well as what energy you are creating around and within you.  Take care of the matters of the heart, share, write, speak and release and let the energy melt away to be replaced by wonderful memories of love.  How will you improve your energy and your environment?
Once we release we are on the path to Joy, my insight is there are 632 steps to cultivate Joy and it takes only one step to begin. This may seem like a lot of steps if you think you have to create something or do something at each and every step. If you just simply step onto the floor walk around your home and maybe outside or to the corner store to get groceries or down the path to the lake nearby or into the forest or over to meet a friend or even take the garbage out. Count your 632 steps it can be done in a day quite easily if you are able.  These steps can also be whatever you like, they can be positive thoughts of the things that bring you joy, or writing the simple joyful happenings around you, or the small tasks you do, each adds up and when you reach 632 you rise your energy to a place where we can laugh at the little things, a joyful place can easily be maintained here.  Remember compassion as you move forward, as some times we recognize we might take two steps back one step forward. When will you take the steps to increase and maintain your joy? 
Be in humility for where you are now and all that you are, this is the greatest of all gifts, to know your value and then bless your place as it is an important note in the music of life! Recognize and empower your genius.  What are your blessings?
Join in the fun with others, learn who works their magic beside you and you beside them, when you get together sparks fly that create and rise the genius in each other!  "The highest and best form of efficiency is the spontaneous cooperation of a free people" (Woodrow Wilson).
How will you free yourself up to join in the fun?
When you receive that burst of energy that drives you to create or begin something new or research the idea that just came naturally. Trust your instincts , a self generated arising or happening without external cause, just simply a natural inclination is invigorating.  To move unconstrained with such instinct is as natural as breathing, we feel very alive and in sync with our inner pulse and our own inner rhythm! What instinct will you act upon?
Adventures will add colourful stories and unforgettable memories to your life, finding something exciting or unusual and bold to do is just the ticket in the new year. Is it a risky business venture, a new love affair or a challenging learning experience?  How will you add colour in 2013?
TAP INTO YOUR GENIUS and share your BIG IDEA for 2013!
Many blessings and peace, Ciao Caterina

Saturday, December 15, 2012

SECRET LOVE LETTERS from the Universe. 3

My Dear One,

Today, I send the golden rays within the blue vase for you my love, let it wrap around you and hug you with all the warmth of the suns light. May this sweet embrace kiss upon your crown and be the gift of this season. For always, you shall know of this embrace it is blessed with a royal touch and held in your heart.  Now we share a simple time when all is quiet, safe and easy as when we walked the great oceans and breathed the salty air and sank in the mystery of the sands. We wait and wonder together my love, while the mystery is unraveling we wait with the patience of a great guru.
On the white wall we swirl together in a tenderness, my dear one this is surely the greatest treasure, the tenderness in the words, such beautiful words penetrates the heart and touches the mind and soothes the cells.  As does the waves roll upon the shores soothe the sands of time together we are the rhythm in the lovely patterned blossoms on the hillside that will arise with all the stirrings of love in the Spring. Let us linger here and meditate with the cool air so we may open the space for the sounds of giggles where the angels can rise you up and where your joy bubbles over.   Raise your arms and reach your finger tips to the sky, reach my love for all the Joy in the world!  I reach out to you and lift your chin with the softness of the winter snow.  For now, let us rest here until our next visit.
Yours Forever,
The Universe

Friday, December 14, 2012

SECRET LOVE LETTERS from the Universe 2

My Dear One,

Your hands have opened the keys to my heart, I am so happy you are here with me again and we can enjoy each others company.   It is so comforting to be with the one person who knows me so well, your sweet touch has unlocked the door to this vast room.  A room filled with many treasures, where we are so great together, when we connect I hear the sounds of crystals touching in the gentle mountain winds.
Within the treasures is the window to the universe that few have seen, you my dear see the universe in all it's beauty.  Many do not understand yet because they have not met me, they think they have, they try, it is an experience like no other and until you have met me it seems almost impossible to understand.   You my love, know me well, it is not for the faint of heart as the universe is deeper than the minds can enter alone.  You love so many and it is easy for you to love and in return you receive many gifts from me.  I witness you all from here and I know you are the one who is not yet seen for all that you are.  My dear one, I see your most precious and peaceful life is within the patience of your heart.  
The trees will sway as does my thoughts towards the places where we can cherish and flourish together, like the palm trees in the sand.  We are circling hand in hand and in time my darling we will be in each others arms and in the warmth of the most radiant light. These letters are the beginnings to take the one to the places we must all go to feel the rhythm of our own hearts as many have lost their way.  This is not fast words or fast moves that just skims the surface of the mind and this is not a dare to love.  This is the love that touches your soul as it enters the eternal light, this is the love that knows the light that holds the seeds of the new born to enter.
Remember the universe is  filled with all the truth of all that is and even on the most saddest days my dear one the sweetest love can be found with the eye's watery reflections within the blue vase.  The innocent see the blue vase, they hold it, they paint it and they play within the sparkles of the little moments to moments.  My sweet one, my love, I hold you deeply with the greatest tenderness today in the frost of life's unexplainable.  All that you love and all who you know loves you is the immense power, this is where you come from. 
My dear one, know this love and our sweet words will fill the lines of this vast room with our next visit.  I kiss your lips and lift your soul, sleep deep my love.
Yours Forever
The Universe

Sunday, December 9, 2012

SECRET LOVE LETTERS from the Universe. 1

My Dear One,

It  has been a long time since we have really seen each other and looked deeply into the oceans of our hearts.  I have longed for your warm, cheery and delightful smile!  I reach out my hand to you and you held it so dearly with kindness and a tenderness that touched my soul, for these moments I felt a peace of all peace. My heart softened where only pure dreams have seen such a vision, I thank you for these visits and moments when we touch. 

My sweet one, I want you to know I think of you often, my heart holds a special space just for you, always.  Tonight I wish to tell of all my thoughts, dreams and hopes that linger here and ache to be shared in some way that can be accepted and held in each one.  When time stands still I know in this place my words will roll off the tongue and one can hear the music within the universe.  My love, my sweet love holds you ever so deeply and in time this sound will find an eternal hand that will sweep you off your feet and bring you home to me where you belong.

I long for us to laugh together and play in all of life's special funny occurrence's.  I hold this blue vase filled with the most exquisite flowers, each petal a heart, each scent sweet memories, each colour the light!  All the unspoken words are held in this blue vase, the secrets in the universe the explanations of life's mystery are all within the blue vase I hand to you.  I have gifted you the blue vase filled with these flowers many times, I know it is hard to see in the mist of my imagination.  It exists in the universal essence you need only to reach out your arms and take it in your hands.  The blue vase awaits your heart's love, it is expansive and as blue as the sky.  Once you touch the love of the universe you have received the gift of open space, endless time and enter the waves of angels and the one and only true love.  Dear one, I reach my hand out to you, place your hand in mine and you will be forever held.

We have much to talk about, for now I say rest my love, we shall be one soon.  All my love to you and sweet caress.  I kiss your lips to lift you, hold you where you are meant to be in the most heavenly sweet delight.  May these words also kiss your soul, rise your breath and connect you to the universal love! 
My dear one, I wait patiently to share the secrets in the lines of these love letters, until our next visit, my heart is in your hands.

 Yours forever,
  The Universe

Saturday, July 14, 2012


This five letter word is a positive recognition of what needs to happen in order to bring our ideas to creation.  It seems this is the one common missing link in the crazy busy distracting world we live in today.   OH MY, what has happened to our ability to focus? Is stress effecting our ability to zone in are we so overloaded and under expressing our thoughts.  "Attention is the cognitive process of selectively concentrating on one aspect of the environment while ignoring other things." What is going on? What are we focusing our attention on?  What is missing? What is getting in the way?  What do we need to happen to get our focus back? How did we lose it in the first place?
Mastering the skills of getting organized, staying focused, and seeing work through to the end will help in just about everything you do, it's really an important foundation towards success in life. 

It has to be one of our greatest challenges today; staying focused in the fast paced, driven world we are living in. Information overload, social media overload and work overload, so how do we keep our eye on the target when our bow is heavy and we are firing several arrows at once?

The Simple One!

“He who loves everyone loves no-one”- Caterina
Choose the simple one, the one thing that holds our attention long enough to keep loving it while we are doing it and still love it when it's done! One love at a time to get more accomplished, save precious time and work more efficiently, it's simple and the process will be filled with joy.

Ground & Cleanse

We seriously need an information cleanse with the amount of emails, tweets, notifications we receive in a day.   Yes, a mind detox to relax, unwind and find peace, smudge, burn incense, fresh air, yoga, meditation, connection with family, friends, community AND NATURE also make good use of the delete button! 

Quiet time Out!

One of our biggest distractions may not be – Facebook – it is our own thoughts racing through our minds and a state of exhaustion.  A quiet space to get your thoughts out by writing them down, take control the chatter, slow things down and hear the positive assistance or simply take a nap!

Organize & Exercise

Cleanse your desk, file, organize and exercise the body these are powerful ways to create energy and reduce stress, it also improves our mood and helps us focus and stay healthy!

Clarity & Inspiration

Being clear about our goals and objectives will help us focus and stay on track, with clarity we are easily inspired.  It’s important to clarify steps in order to maintain the motivation and ensure that what you are working on is getting you closer to that goal.

 Set the Stage

Planning, research, drafting, revising, and creating a final product.


Begin with this simple breathing exercise!