Saturday, December 15, 2012

SECRET LOVE LETTERS from the Universe. 3

My Dear One,

Today, I send the golden rays within the blue vase for you my love, let it wrap around you and hug you with all the warmth of the suns light. May this sweet embrace kiss upon your crown and be the gift of this season. For always, you shall know of this embrace it is blessed with a royal touch and held in your heart.  Now we share a simple time when all is quiet, safe and easy as when we walked the great oceans and breathed the salty air and sank in the mystery of the sands. We wait and wonder together my love, while the mystery is unraveling we wait with the patience of a great guru.
On the white wall we swirl together in a tenderness, my dear one this is surely the greatest treasure, the tenderness in the words, such beautiful words penetrates the heart and touches the mind and soothes the cells.  As does the waves roll upon the shores soothe the sands of time together we are the rhythm in the lovely patterned blossoms on the hillside that will arise with all the stirrings of love in the Spring. Let us linger here and meditate with the cool air so we may open the space for the sounds of giggles where the angels can rise you up and where your joy bubbles over.   Raise your arms and reach your finger tips to the sky, reach my love for all the Joy in the world!  I reach out to you and lift your chin with the softness of the winter snow.  For now, let us rest here until our next visit.
Yours Forever,
The Universe

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