Monday, December 24, 2012


Time to Crossover into your genius, take a step up to reach a higher degree of insight to feel the crossover effect for an endless source of supply and effortlessness. 
"Genius is one of the greatest untapped resources of our society." David R. Hawkins
David Hawkins goes on to say that genius is confused with high IQ, and that it can be more accurately identified by perseverance, courage, concentrations, enormous drive and absolute integrity! 
These are the qualities of inner Peace!

 7 Steps to Crossover into your Genius!

One must first come to some understandings of their life, their place and the world around them, this can be one small step to simplify their place and therefore love a little more. Written and thoughtful reflections can be done with meditations, in stillness, in nature, in solitude and in company for the moments we need to regroup, rethink and reconnect and arrive at the best understandings of who we are and the world around us.  Here is the time to align one's goals and values then we can begin to attract a higher degree of insight.  What is missing?
Once we understand, we need to release, here is the place where we must find the ways to exercise the energy into a step up, cleanse, clear, cleanse and clear.  Be aware of the energy around you, what you have taken on as well as what energy you are creating around and within you.  Take care of the matters of the heart, share, write, speak and release and let the energy melt away to be replaced by wonderful memories of love.  How will you improve your energy and your environment?
Once we release we are on the path to Joy, my insight is there are 632 steps to cultivate Joy and it takes only one step to begin. This may seem like a lot of steps if you think you have to create something or do something at each and every step. If you just simply step onto the floor walk around your home and maybe outside or to the corner store to get groceries or down the path to the lake nearby or into the forest or over to meet a friend or even take the garbage out. Count your 632 steps it can be done in a day quite easily if you are able.  These steps can also be whatever you like, they can be positive thoughts of the things that bring you joy, or writing the simple joyful happenings around you, or the small tasks you do, each adds up and when you reach 632 you rise your energy to a place where we can laugh at the little things, a joyful place can easily be maintained here.  Remember compassion as you move forward, as some times we recognize we might take two steps back one step forward. When will you take the steps to increase and maintain your joy? 
Be in humility for where you are now and all that you are, this is the greatest of all gifts, to know your value and then bless your place as it is an important note in the music of life! Recognize and empower your genius.  What are your blessings?
Join in the fun with others, learn who works their magic beside you and you beside them, when you get together sparks fly that create and rise the genius in each other!  "The highest and best form of efficiency is the spontaneous cooperation of a free people" (Woodrow Wilson).
How will you free yourself up to join in the fun?
When you receive that burst of energy that drives you to create or begin something new or research the idea that just came naturally. Trust your instincts , a self generated arising or happening without external cause, just simply a natural inclination is invigorating.  To move unconstrained with such instinct is as natural as breathing, we feel very alive and in sync with our inner pulse and our own inner rhythm! What instinct will you act upon?
Adventures will add colourful stories and unforgettable memories to your life, finding something exciting or unusual and bold to do is just the ticket in the new year. Is it a risky business venture, a new love affair or a challenging learning experience?  How will you add colour in 2013?
TAP INTO YOUR GENIUS and share your BIG IDEA for 2013!
Many blessings and peace, Ciao Caterina

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